Second Chances

I have been working on a study of Jonah. When I got to this third chapter and read that first verse, my mind thought of all of the second chances God has given me. Maybe you, like me, can think of a lot of times when you wish you could go back and have a […]

Taste and See

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here! We don’t realize how much we take our physical senses for granted until we lose them.  Like many others that dealt with Covid, I lost my sense of taste and smell. It was really strange looking […]

The Adoption Story

by Christy Hahn Carter As a nurse, there are certain moments that stick with you forever. In those moments, there are memories that impact not only your nursing career, but your life as well. As a believer in Christ, I often say a prayer as I am going into work for God to use me and […]

The Great Divide

Looking back on the year of 2020, one thought keeps coming to mind.  To me, it was the year of the Great Divide. And it wasn’t just in one area, but many. My mother-in-law was in a nursing home. Each visit we had when the pandemic started was hampered by her being inside her room […]

Days of Noah

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here! As I read my Bible one morning, Jesus was telling His disciples about the signs of the end time.  He stressed to them the importance of being ready. Read the account in Matthew 24. I have […]

The Presence

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here! So many things in our daily lives have been affected by the coronavirus. We have had to endure quarantines, restricted access to restaurants and shopping, and limited social gatherings. Zoom has become a common occurrence and […]

Practicing Consistently

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here! My 7-year old granddaughter is taking gymnastics.  She goes to the gym three days a week for several hours each time.  But even when she is at home, she is constantly practicing flips, just because she […]

Warming The Bench

I was recently thinking about a time when my daughter played softball.  She played throughout elementary and high school on school teams and community teams, at different positions on the field.  Most often she played second base, right field and she pitched.  One season she had a coach who very seldom put her on the […]

From the Mouths of Babes

If you stopped by because you read my devotion today over at Encouragement Cafe, WELCOME!   So glad you are here! My youngest grandson just turned two-years old. He is quite the little talker. If someone speaks to him, he will look them in the eye and begin a conversation with full animation. Sometimes he will pause […]