Never Forget

October 15 was Remembrance Day for Pregnancy and Infant Loss. There are many who have lost babies due to miscarriage. My daughter and her husband lost a child, and I lost a grandchild. There is a void left in the parent’s life and in the lives of the whole family. As a Christian, there is a source of comfort knowing the child that was lost in now back into the arms of their first and greatest Father, the Creator of their life.
I Think Of You Often
Everyday I wonder
Who you would be
A sweet little boy or precious baby girl
Who would you look like and what features you’d have
Maybe hair like mom and eyes like daddy
Would your smile show dimples in chubby little cheeks
Would curls crown the top of your head
Would your giggle be contagious
And your laugh fill the room
Would the sneaky little look
In your eyes shine through
Your small arms would perfectly wrap around my neck
And my heart would wrap around your finger
Yes I think of you often
And I miss each discovery you’d make
First smiles, first steps and first words to celebrate
Each day comes and goes and your face I imagine
I miss the warmth of you in my arms
It’s hard knowing these things I cannot have
But my baby you will always be
In God’s arms you’ll forever be safe and sound
You can see angels and ride on the wind
You can dance on top of the clouds
Your laughter I know can be heard
Ringing through the heavens
No sadness you have for the things you will miss
No tears you will ever shed
No pain you will feel or sickness fight
You are a child greatly blessed
Though sadness is felt down here below
Your presence is so greatly missed
But God, give us peace and let us know
This child was in your plan for us
We don’t understand, but help us to trust,
For I think of Your baby everyday
In Memory of Brighton Drew Carter, May 27, 2014
From your Bebaw – 10/17/2014
How often do You bless me
And I recognize it not
I take it all for granted
All the things I’ve got
You’ve given me everything
All my needs you’ve supplied
My family, my friends
And a place in which to abide
You’ve given me the strength
To live my daily life
To walk, talk and feel
My ears and eyesight
A voice to speak with others
To say what’s on my heart
I pray the words I say
Will to others Your love impart
But not only have You blessed me
With all the things I see
There’s unseen blessings also
That keeps me as I go
The harm that could befall me
The dangers all around
The storms that satan tries to send
With You I’m safe and sound
Even though there’re struggles
Through which I must go
You’re still blessing even then
Because You’re helping me grow
I love You, Lord with all my heart
My life is in Your hands
Help me stay close to You
Your will to understand
Give me wisdom from above
And spiritual eyes to see
And most of all, I thank You, Lord
For all Your blessings to me
Fire burning
People falling
Smoke billowing
Voices calling
Heroes respond
Go beyond
Common duty-
What beauty!
Lives lost
Huge cost
Lives given
Never forgotten.
9/11 is a date that will never be forgotten by those whose lives were impacted and by anyone who watched the horrific images shown again and again in the media. The sights shown, knowing that people were dying right before our eyes, left a sick feeling within us. But the one thing of beauty, the only good I saw at that one awful moment, were the heroes rushing to the aid of all the people facing imminent dome. Ultimately and sadly, many of them lost their lives as well, as they put the lives of others before the welfare of themselves. It’s hard for many of us to fathom that kind of courage.
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 (NIV)
I wish to thank and honor those who are in the service, the armed forces, law enforcement, firefighters, medical personnel and all of those who daily put the safety and health of others in the forefront.
We also need to remember that our Lord Jesus laid His life down for us all. None of us deserved it, but yet God loved us so much that He willingly offered His Son to die for our sins.
On the anniversary of that terrible day, I think it very fitting to pause and remember, to pray for the ones who personally were affected by the death of a loved one, and to remember the sacrifices made by those willing to lay down their life for the lives of those they didn’t even know.
Our bags are packed,
The mail has been forwarded,
The lawn is mowed,
The dog has been boarded.
All appliances are unplugged
And the house is secure.
I walked through the rooms
One more time to be sure.
The car’s filled with gas,
The oil has been checked,
Everyone’s gone to potty,
And now we’re all set.
With maps in hand
And smiles on all faces
We pull out of the drive
Ready to see interesting places.
The anticipation we have for our four hour trek,
Falls to our feet when we hear from the back,
“I’m thirsty.”, “I’m hungry.”, and “Are we there yet?”
“Silence is golden,”
I’ve heard people say
When the noise of the world
All passes away
Those moments of quiet
Brings rest for my soul
The blessed peace that follows
Has more value than gold
In those moments of silence
I open Your Word
Your Spirit can teach me
And Your voice can be heard
I cherish those moments
When with You I’m alone
Yes, those moments of silence
Have more value than gold
But then there are times
When Your voice I can’t hear
I reach for Your Word
But I don’t feel You near
I go through the fire
And feel nothing but pain
I wonder why I keep going
If there’s nothing to gain
But as the fire begins to die down
Darkness turns back to day
All dross from my life
Has been burned all away
The silence I went through
When I felt You were gone
Has left nothing within me
Except the refined, purest gold.
Help me still listen even when You don’t speak
Help me keep believing and Your presence still seek
Though testing by fire is not what I’d choose
Lord, let it be if it brings me closer to You.
Yes, silence is golden
When it draws me to You
My faith grows stronger
And of Your strength I am sure
So when the silence is over
And Your face I behold
May what’s left in my life
Be of more value than gold.